How to use to invest in Badger’s Sushi Pools: 3 Simple Steps 🦡

2 min readDec 29, 2020

We’ll look at how to add liquidity for the WBTC-ETH in three steps, but the WBTC-Badger pool has similar steps. It’ll cost you less than 50$ at current gas prices.

Staking on Badger lets you earn Badger Rewards + SUSHI rewards, and the best part is your SUSHI is auto-staked for xSUSHI!

How the BadgerDual-Farming System Works

Step 1:

Get your preferred base currency (USDT/ETH). Head to and search for ‘badger’

Select the WBTC/Badger pool and enter the amount you’d like to add to the pool (ETH/USDT). Zapper automatically calculates the outputs.

Click on Confirm and you have to approve the spend of your ETH or USDT which costs around 4$. Next Zapper handles the entire conversion to the final SLP (Sushi LP) Tokens in one txn, this costs around 25$.

Step 2:

Head on to

Select the Badger — WBTC Sushi LP and deposit the SLP tokens you have in your wallet. You will receive the same number of bSLP tokens in return.

The Approve Txn will cost around 4$ and the deposit around 6$.

Step 3:

Go to and select the corresponding pool you want to stake for Badger rewards.

You will have to approve the spend of your Deposit the bSLP tokens in your wallet and then deposit them to start earning Badger.

The Approve Txn will cost around 4$ and the deposit around 6$.

Once these two txns complete, you’ll see a message saying ‘Deposit Complete. You are now earning Badger’.

Thanks for reading!

If you liked it or forgot the last step and remembered through this, send some BADGER :D 0x55254207B18f9feFb6a17e250312Ca73472D19A1

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